Monday 22 February 2010


Hello everyone, for those who might be familiar with what I do, you can continue browsing as usual, but don't expect a significant amount of material to be posted yet! To anyone who has never read my previous blogs, I'll give you a brief introduction! I'll try to refrain from turning it into a long winded life story, and hopefully keep it as relevant as I can.

I'm 20 years old and currently searching for a job, after 4 years of working in retail. My exact whereabouts is something that will remain confidential (the nature of this hobby unsurprisingly attracts the attention of the law). I currently travel the UK (and shortly the world!) in pursuit of abandoned buildings, extraordinarily high places, and the dark mysteries of the underworld. However, my primary interest is certainly in abandonment and decay. Besides being extremely photogenic and unique, I've always been captured by the mysticism and morbid, post-apocalyptic qualities these buildings have. Photography is quite a recent hobby of mine in fact. I spent my childhood exploring abandoned air raid shelters and houses (many of which inevitably had horror stories attached) and so it's no surprise that this hobby would turn out to play a significant role in my life. My interest in photography was certainly inspired by this childlike curiosity and so, I feel compelled to share my tales and experiences with a wider audience.

I used to blog frequently on MySpace, but instead of transferring that material here, I would like to begin anew. With this said, I hope you enjoy browsing my blog. I will be happy to address any concerns or questions you might have, my e-mail address can be found in the 'Contact Me' section.

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